Prof. Dr. Maher “Metaphorical Concepts for Designing Interactive Buildings” üzerine konuşacak.
“architalkture” Faculty of Architecture Lecture Series – VIII, Prof. Dr. Mary Lou MAHER
İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi’nin düzenlediği architalkture seminer sersisinin bu yılki ikinci konuğu University of North Carolina, Charlotte College of Computing and Informatics’ bünyesinde bulunan Software and Information Systems’in başkanı Prof. Dr. Mary Lou Maher. Kariyerinde hesaplamalı mühendislik, tasarımda bilişim alanları başta olmak üzere yaratıcılık ve bilgisayar-insan etkileşimi konusunda birçok yenilikçi çalışmaya imza atmış bulunan Prof. Dr. Maher, Sydney Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi’nde, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition’ın eş başkanlığını yaptığı sürede Design Computing lisans programını kurmuş ve dünyanın birçok farklı ülkesinden çok sayıda doktora öğrencisine ve araştırmacıya danışmanlık yapmıştır. 2006-2010 yılları arasında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde CreativeIT programını kurmuş ve Ulusal Bilim Kurumu (National Science Foundation) bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation Program’ın eşbaşkanlığını yürütmüştür. Bu kurumda daha sonra Human-Centered Computing Cluster Programı direktörlüğünü ve Division of Information and Intelligent Systems bölümünün yardımcı direktörlüğü görevlerini üstlenmiştir. Prof.Dr. Maher halen yaratıcılık, yaratıcı biliş ve dokunmatik arayüzlerle etkileşim tasarımı ve büyük veri alanlarında çalışmalar yürütmektedir.
Prof. Dr. Maher Fakültemizde yapacağı “Metaphorical Concepts for Designing Interactive Buildings” başlıklı konuşmasında tasarımda sıkça kullanılan metafor kavramından yola çıkarak daha anlaşılır kılınan dijital ortamları, günlük hayatımıza etki eden robotları, çeşitli araçlarla olan iletişimi ve yapay zeka ile harmanlanmış dijital dünyanın mekan ve yapı kullanıcılarına sağlayacağı yeni etkileşim olanakları üzerine yaşanan gelişmeleri anlatacaktır.
“architalkture” İTÜ içi ve dışından tüm katılımcılara açıktır.
“architalkture” Faculty of Architecture Lecture Series – VIII, Prof. Dr. Mary Lou MAHER
ITU Faculty of Architecture architalkture Lecture Series continues with Professor Mary Lou Maher the Chair of Software and Information Systems at UNC Charlotte College of Computing and Informatics where she also works as the Director of the Center for Education Innovation; and a professor in the HCI Lab in the College of Computing and Informatics. Her career comprises a large number of innovative achievements in Design Computing and Cognition. Mary Lou Maher was the Co-Director of the Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition at the Faculty of Architecture in the University of Sydney where she developed and implemented an innovative Bachelor Degree in Design Computing and leading a group of 11 academics, advised a large number of PhD students from many different countries and conducted research in design computing and cognition. Between 2006 and 2010 she started a funding program CreativeIT and co-chaired the Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation Program in National Science Foundation. She was the Program Director in the Human-Centered Computing Cluster, and later appointed as Deputy Director of the Division of Information and Intelligent Systems. Professor Mary Lou Maher currently leads efforts in studying the impact of active learning in CS education and the use of learning analytics to better understand diversity and inclusion. Her research and teaching has centered on computational models of design and creativity. Her current focus is on issues related to curiosity, novelty, and surprise. With big data she looks for patterns and trends that lead to a better understanding of creativity as a combination of novelty, value and surprise. Maher also interested in how different modes of interaction affect creative cognition and is working on various gesture-based and tangible interaction designs.
In her talk titled “Metaphorical Concepts for Designing Interactive Buildings” Professor Maher will focus on metaphorical concepts such as the desktop that makes the human computer interaction and computer interfaces easier to use. In her talk, she will show how the metaphors of robot, device, and friend enable designers to develop interactive environments with new artificial intelligence and digital affordances for building occupants.
“architalkture” Lecture Series are free and open to all.